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...sands of dollars out of my own pocket into it and have just gotten too much hate back from it. I'm sorry to allthe true OreSpawn fans out there. I do absolutely adore and appreciate you. But OreSpawn on MC needs to fade away. OreSpawn lives on DangerZone now. There is simply no way to work around that absolutely hideous MC EULA.I've met a few really wonderful people along the way too, and I hope you all stay in contact. I wish there were...
...ed mobs pre 0.8 are considered not a boss.It would not make sence for them to not convert since they are technically considered normal enemies""In 0.8 however, they are now bosses.Hence why Jzahar erases them")[h1=附录][h2=模组文件中有但目前并未实装且作者没有明确告知过的内容(以 0.8 版本和 0.7pre2 及以前版本为准):]突变溺尸(详见突变僵尸词条)。匠魂2联动(目前仅有...
...er machinery to Minecraft. The mod doesn't have an actual goal, and you'll understand this when you see all the random content Mekanism contains, from jetpacks to balloons.  However, I can assure you that you'll notice allthe content blend together as you get to know the mod better!通用机械是一个独立的,将低中高三个层次机械带进Minecraft的一个模组。通用机械并没有一个明确的目标,而...
... After playing the game for years, I can't help but feel it is. Or perhaps it's too hard with allthe crazy mods you've added? Scaling Health aims to balance out modpacks, by allowing players, mobs, or both to gain extra health! Or players can start with less health, if that's what you want. The mod is highly configurable.This mod started as an unofficial port of Difficult Life, a mod I personally loved playing with...
...中所有文件版权归属均为Vazkii。应许可证需求,引用了官网的Credits鸣谢名单,见下:All of my Patrons and Donators for being extremely kind as to support me every month with their own income.善良的赞助者和捐赠者: 每个月用他们自己的收入来支持我。Azanor for letting me use his particles from Thaumcraft.Azanor: 允许我使用他在神秘时代里的粒子效果。Enterbrain&nb...
...所有合成。注意:本模组会导致简单坟墓不生效。[h1=原文]CurseForge 描述原文:Specifically, it caches the last recipe used, and checks this recipe first before re-scanning the entire registry.  This makes shift click crafting operate much faster than before.  It also lowers network traffic by sending a packet only when needed instead of whenever a slot in changed in the crafting grid.  The mod has a th...
Unique Enchantments delivers a fair variety of Enchantments, from QoL to Combat, appropriate for both, Vanilla and Modded Gameplay.All Enchantments can be further tweaked in the config file, with almost complete control.新加独特的附魔,配置文件中可自定义所有附魔。
...er machinery to Minecraft. The mod doesn't have an actual goal, and you'll understand this when you see allthe random content Mekanism contains, from jetpacks to balloons.  However, I can assure you that you'll notice allthe content blend together as you get to know the mod better!通用机械是一个独立的,将低中高三个层次机械带进Minecraft的一个模组。通用机械并没有一个明确的目标,而当...
...Mana Infused - 同上。盔甲特性- Having a set of armor where all armor cores are made from Terrasteel gives a passive health regen just like the normal Botania.神秘时代6支持材料:神秘锭材料特性:灵气 - 使用工具时有时用灵气代替而不是消耗耐久度。源质 - 杀死敌人和破坏方块...
...ue]B:disableStoneTools=true石制工具仅可用于合成,无法被使用,默认 true(启用);# Makes all non-TConstruct tools mine nothing [default: true]B:disableRegularTools=true使所有非匠魂工具都无法挖掘,默认 true(启用);将 true 改为 false 即可禁用此些配置。(后两个为使原版工具可以挖掘的必改项)
...否会更新到1.17?]The port has already begun, but it's slow and will take quite some time. I will skip all versions in between even 1.16.【已经准备开始了, 进度还是很慢,需要些时间. 我(作者)将跳过 1.16 之间的所有MC版本。】[h1=介绍]这个mod允许你创建任何你想要的东西,它增加了一种方法来添加更多的细节。你可以把方块锤成普通minecraft方块的1/32768或更大。...
...s.It adds new several doors like glass doors, jail doors, laboratory doors, factory doors and garage doors that all have different and original animations.You can also entirely build your doors with a  machine that lets you chose the way it looks and the way it moves.这个MOD为门,活板门和栅栏门添加了新的动画。它增加了新的门,如铁框玻璃门,监狱门,实验室门,工厂门和车库门,都有不同的动...
...话:There comes this mod into play, after everything is loaded it goes over your texture manager and deletes allthe none animate sprites from your ram to reduce the amount of Ram that is using.   For vanilla forge playing that has no real effect.   But usually modpacks have a lot more textures then usually, I have seen packs with 40k textures. I use that as an end example:    Vanilla mc has 729 (795 for 1.12)...
...od(Curse)宝石加加戈伯2夜眠梦境/晚安的梦境I Like Wood(Curse)(附:汉化文件)Long Fall BootsLucky Ores(Curse)恐怖生物午夜模拟殖民地More Progression(Curse)Mubbleewewukek的火枪模组魔幻世界Nethercraft Classic(Curse)Ores Above Diamonds夸克PattysMoreArmor(Curse)PattysMoreStuffPattysMoreTools2(Curse)植物科技2Poly's Ores(Curse)Powder Power(Curse)Ray's Dongles(Cu...
...力基本沉浸工程匠魂3匠魂合金附加2新生魔艺工匠箭术像素精灵宝可梦 重铸神话金属Allthe OresPowah! 和 Powah! RearchitectedAllthemodium[h1=灵感来源]此 Mod 的灵感来源于西瓜视频里的一个视频:安逸菌我的世界《动力经验熔炉》create101多模组Ep11 - 西瓜视频即整合包:Create 101 第二季[h1=FAQ]Q1:我发现了一些此模组的 bug,或有想添加新的模...
... * Liquids are funky * Ladders are funky * Any player projectiles are funky (at least when you small) * No riding(but will be in the future) About coremods:They can corrupt worlds just like any other mod can (except that maybe they have just a bit more tools for that). My mod does no specific interactions with your saves (just regular NBT to store your size as a number - allmods do that kind of stuff).They DO NOT EVER co...
...具。注意:默认会删除神秘农业一些种子的合成表,可以通过配置文件修改(# Remove all default crafting table seed recipes from the mod Mystical Agradditions. Example: Netherstar Seeds, Dragon Egg Seeds... [default: true]B:REMOVE_AGRADDITIONS_RECIPES=true# Remove all default crafting table mobs seeds recipes. Example: Pig Seeds, Cow Seeds, Skeleton Seeds... [default: true]B:REMOVE_MOBS_SEED_RECIPES=true# Remove all def...
...r的模组与KubeJS和CraftTweaker等魔改类模组,并且理应不会与JEI发生冲突问题。作者已在AllTheMods 3与Skyfactory 1整合包中进行了测试,结果良好。该模组不会完全代替FastWorkbench和FastFurnace的功能,但同时装载时,FastSuite将分担两者的部分功能。作者的建议是同时安装三个模组来达到最大化的配方性能优化,如果只愿意选择一款模组,仍然建议选...
...向往无限的远方,但我的家当都在屋里~我该怎么办?”"I want to explore the world, but all my stuff is at my house. What should I do?"现在带着你的家一起走吧! 蒙古包,印第安圆锥帐篷,贝都因帐篷,印德鲁(祖鲁人的帐篷),把他们放置,再带走,这样你就永远不用担心离家太远了!如何建造你的帐篷呢?step1:合成基础的帐篷step2:扩大你...
...客户端模组。[h1=简介]该模组是一个 JEI 的附属。使用效果如下:使用 Pam's Get allthe Seeds 后的效果[h1=许可]该模组使用 LGPLv3 开源。我可以把它用在我的整合包么?(Can I use this in my mod pack?)是的。(Yes.)
...产的所有产品添加匠魂合金配方在GTCE,一块玻璃相当于1000mb而不是144mb英语原文Makes all of GTCE's tool materials usable for Tinkers' toolsAllows you to melt GTCE ores in the Smeltery into the corresponding molten metalsAdds Tinkers Alloying recipes for everything that can be made in theAlloy SmelterChanges it so in GTCE a block of Glass is equivalent to 1000mb instead of 144此模组作者已弃坑。该模组...
...修改甚至不需要重启游戏。For example in the moment you hit the create button for a fuel it works in all furnaces in the world.The ability to add scripts gives you the possiblity to create unqiue stuff with custom behaviour.[h2=特性]燃料;冶炼配方;各种合成配方;矿物词典;物品;方块;矿石生成;交易配方;植物;种子;奖励箱物品;怪物生成;地牢怪物;创造模式标签页;怪物...
.... 泰拉瑞亚也有一个庞大的模组社区。它的一些模组甚至还有自己的音乐。And from all that, I couldn't resist but compose music for this mod. Anyways, enjoy!综上所述,我无法抗拒,只能为这个模组创作音乐。 总之,享受吧!Currently, this mod only adds music that plays during the Void Worm fight. It also plays a victory theme if you beat it.目前,这个模组只添加了在虚空蠕虫...
...forge页面原文。Unmending is a very simple mod that nerfs Mending without making it useless. Should you install it, you'll find the following changes in your game:Unmending是一个非常简单的小模组,它削弱了经验修补,但并没有使之变得无用。如果你安装了它,你将在游戏中看到以下变化:Items that already have the Mending enchantment will no longer repair with XP.已经拥有经验修补的物品...
...事应该由农业工艺或是林业解决的,但是到现在,多功能农场兼容找到了办法。This small mod is a plug-in for Forestry that tells the Multifarm how to handle Crop Sticks. Ideally this should be handled by either Agricraft or Forestry, but until such a time as that is possible, Multifarm Crops seeks to ease the automation of all your 10/10/10 seeds.在使用多功能农场种植农业工艺的作物时,你需要绿宝...
... adds 29 new ores, where 6 of those are generate in the overworld, and the rest generates in the new dimension called Soul Forest. In this Soul Forest you can find all sorts of berries to make food of, different enemies to battle and different structures to loot.
英文对照介绍:(翻译来源于 MC百科,转载请注明)。Tall Worlds changes fundamental limitations of Minecraft by raising the build height from 256 blocks, to over 16 million blocks! Build as high as you want in a tall world. Tall Worlds aren't just tall, they're deep too. The sea level is set to 0 and half of those 16 million blocks go up, and the other half goes down, so you can dig as deep as you like as well without ...
... Benches储物抽屉 Storage Drawers抽屉 Drawers Furnish Furnish所有木制品 All wooden blocksBuilders Crafts & Additions Builders and Craft Additions 作者把and打错位置了所有木制品 All wooden blocksMosaic Carpentry Mosaic CarpentryMosaicsMrCrayfish 的家具 MrCrayfish Furniture Mod所有木制品 All wooden blocks🪵 Twigs Twigs桌子 TablesMacaw ...
...甲,还有更多等待发掘! Currently, this mod adds crafting recipes for the Crimson Cult banner, all Crimson Cult armor, three types of Ancient Stone (the basic kind as well as tiles and glyphs), the Crimson Blade, and an Eldritch Crab spawn egg since they can't be encountered normally in the current version of Thaumcraft. It also adds Erythurgy, a form of alchemy making use of large quantities of Perditio and Ordo to break down ...
...aft. The general idea here is that you are among a group of humans known as the Lords, the people of this group all have one thing in common, they can all command an element with their will. The leaders of the group known as the Overlords have elected to experiment with you, wiping your mind and leaving you in this strange world.The mod aims to provide an interesting experience with many systems together to create a comprehensive view of what mag...